Sunday Mornings
9:00 am
Every week our pastoral staff share a biblically-based sermon with opportunities to respond and receive salvation at the altar.
After the service, stick around for Connect Hour. This is an open ended time where you can choose to visit with someone in the cafe or attend one of the discipleship classes we offer.
For more information on current classes, click Groups under the Get Connected Tab
On Sunday mornings, students (6th-12th Grade) are encouraged to attend main service with their parents and then join LHYTH in the Chapel for the LHYTH Connect Hour.
For more information, see the Youth page under the Ministries tab
Lighthouse Kids serves students from birth to 5th grade with classes and curriculum designed for their developmental level.
Kids attend worship with their parents and then dismiss to class when prompted. On Sundays, if your family chooses to attend Connect Hour, your child can simply stay in the Kids Ministry wing and attend the next class. Lessons are unique each class time. Kids remain in their classroom until they are picked up by a parent with a corresponding security tag.
For more information, see the Kids page under the Ministries tab
Nursing Mother’s Room and Parent’s Room (both located alongside the sanctuary) are available.
Wednesday Nights
7:00 pm
Our pastoral staff share a biblically-based sermon in the sanctuary. Seasonal small groups are offered in other spaces.
For more information on current small groups, click Groups under the Get Connected Tab
LHYTH Services are available on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-9:00 PM in the chapel.
For more information, see the Youth page under the Ministries tab
Lighthouse Kids serves students from birth to 5th grade with classes and curriculum designed for their developmental level.
Kids attend worship with their parents and then dismiss to class when prompted. Kids remain in their classroom until they are picked up by a parent with a corresponding security tag.
For more information, see the Kids page under the Ministries tab
Nursing Mother’s Room and Parent’s Room (both located alongside the sanctuary) are available.